Minerals and Feed
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We acknowledge the effects of true implementation of environmental management and proper usage of energy sources on our sustainability performance and we carry out all our processes with a sense of responsibility which is not limited to legal obligations.
We predetermine environmental risks and threats and develop necessary precuations to manage them . While prioritizing concrete applications such as fuel and water economization, material productivity, delivery of cafeteria remains to animal shelters, encouragament of our employees to use the collective transport service provided by our company, usage of forklifts which only operate with electric and gas systems, favoring of screen shots against printed material, usage of printed materials for draft purposesi we do not only minimize our environmental traces but also obtain economical benefits.
Today the earth needs humanity’s care and commitment more than ever. We are well aware of our role in the future and take each step with this responsibility and shape all our operations with respect to environment and demand the same common sense from our business partners.